Men’s Saturday Morning Bible Study (8-9:30am): The Men’s Bible Study meets every Saturday morning in the church basement to study the Word of God. Coffee, juice and bagels are provided.
Women’s Bi-weekly Saturday Bible Study (10:30-12pm): Presently working through “Stepping Heavenward” by Elizabeth Prentiss. Please call secretaries at (516) 379-2408 for more information.
Women’s Bi-weekly Tuesday Study (7:30-9pm): Via Skype or at Rosemarie Moruzzi’s home. Presently working through “A Woman’s Walk With God, Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit,” by Elizabeth George. Please contact Rosemarie at (631) 587-0502 for more information.
Encouragement Group Bible Study (1:00-2:15): The Encouragement Group meets every Wednesday at 1:00 in the Pastor’s office.